Dear Madonna… Happy Birthday! The Queen Of Pop is 60

Dear Madonna,

On 4th September 1987 Torino gived a warm welcome for your Who’s That Girl Tour.

I followed the concert – like many other people – on television, singing and daydream. Your voice had already entered my life the year before, with True Blue. But that concert was the real blast of lightning. I was a twelve-year-old in love with a beautiful blonde. I was a young gay boy just starting to understand and fight with his shyness.


Last week at work one of my colleagues asked me:

Why do many gays like Madonna?  Yes, why? Many times I asked to myself  this question but answering has never been simple. It’s because she’s a diva? Why she beautiful and talented? Yes of course. But it’s a superficial answer. I like you for many reasons and among them I have found – perhaps – my answer. You have done for me – and for many others – a media and unprecedented coming out. You gave me the strength – at a later time – to discover me, look at me, accept me. You were bold, shameless, courageous: You were talking about sex and doing it without fear, talking about you, your desires and dreams… of a girl.


Have you given – unconsciously? – the way to my desire to be myself. To be gay and to be proud of it. Your saying, “Hey, I’m there and I’m so” it was a real coming out. You’ve talked about yourself and all those who have recognized in your will to go further. Your heart was already rebellious.

After the Blond Ambition Tour, many of your fans was part of LGBT community for which your iconic and uncensored love become a helpfull and feed for their growing and acceptance. With Justify My Love you have exhibited your – and our-desire to finally be uncensored and without chains. You have shown your energies: masculine and feminine, mixing colors until you get a magnificent black and white! Oh, what a video, what a song, how wonderful…

You’ve taken care of your LGBT friends, HIV, you’ve struggled – with your art – to make the differences visible. Your career go further with new challenge, between music and movies, sometimes it went well and other times less.

Which one of us does not fall at least once?

Your willpower is an amazing and strong demostration of your ambition, love for your self and for those you love. They call you Queen but I see you more as a priestess, on stage and able to speak – indirectly – of alchemic transformation…

The child of 1987, the one who looked at you with amazement and admiration, thanks you with all his heart… obviously rebellious. What else to tell you? Yes, I have to tell you one last thing…

My dear Lucky Star,

Happy birthday!